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Changes to SQA Exam Dates

Changes to SQA Exam Dates

by Emma Davie -
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Hi All

As you may be aware, the SQA has recently changed some of the 2025 exam dates. Please see below the revised list of exam dates and times:



N5 Psychology

Fri 25th April (13.30 - 15.30)

H Psychology

Fri 25th April (13.30 - 15.30)



N5 English

Tues 6th May (09.00 - 12.00)

AH English

Tues 6th May (12.30 - 16.00)

H English

Wed 7th May (09.00 - 12.30)

N5 German

Thurs 8th May (09.00 - 11.30)

H History

Fri 9th May (09.00 - 12.30)

AH History

Fri 9th May (09.00 - 12.00)



H Mathematics

Mon 12th May (09.00 - 12.15)

N5 Sociology

Mon 12th May (13.30 - 15.30)

H Sociology

Mon 12th May (13.30 - 16.10)

N5 Mathematics

Wed 14th May (09.00 - 12.00)

H German

Thurs 15th May (13.00 - 16.00)

N5 Apps of Maths

Fri 16th May (09.00 - 12.00)



H French

Tues 20th May (09.00 - 12.00)

N5 French

Tues 20th May (13.00 - 15.00)

H Philosophy

Wed 21st May (09.00 - 15.15)

H Politics

Thurs 22nd May (09.00 - 12.30)

H Bus Man

Thurs 22nd May (13.30 - 16.15)

H Modern Studies

Fri 23rd May (09.00 - 12.30)



The SQA has updated these dates on the My Exams app so please visit this here:

If any of these changes is likely to cause issue, please contact me asap to discuss:

Thank you
